Our Harvest Festival Choral Evensong on 24th September was truly memorable. We were joined by the Choir of the United Parish of the Harptrees and Hinton Blewett, the Venerable Tony Wilds took the service and the Bishop of Bath & Wells, Rt Rev’d Michael Beasley, gave an inspiring sermon. In his Address, Bishop Michael suggested that the promised land may not have been “flowing“ with milk, and honey, as described in the Bible; it may only have been a trickle of milk and honey! Such are the difficulties of translation from ancient languages!
Following the service, we all enjoyed drinks and delicious canapés. The Bishop had arrived early so that he could talk to everyone as they came to Church. He stayed afterwards, and again socialised with everyone as refreshments were served. His visit to our little Church was much appreciated and all who attended commented on Bishop Michael’s ability to relate to everyone. The Harvest collection of £246 was divided between 2 local foodbanks in Keynsham and Withywood.
Our special service for All Souls, when we remember those we have loved who have died, will be on Sunday 5th November at 6:30 pm. Everyone will be welcome to this service. The names of those who have died will be read out, so please let me know who you would like to remember, so I can prepare a list for Tony Wilds who will take the service.
Looking to the future, we’re holding a coffee morning by generous invitation of our good friend Meriel James of Brook Cottage, Stowey Bottom on Wednesday 22nd November from 10.30am. Crafts, jams, Christmas labels and other goodies will be on sale, all in aid of Stowey Church. We’re also holding a Raffle. Please come and join us and have a chat with friends old and new over Meriel’s scrumptious cake and coffee!
And by way of advance notice, our ever-popular Carol Service at Stowey will be on Friday 22nd December at 6:30 pm. Don’t miss it!
Until next time!
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden