At our Patronal Festival Evensong on Sunday 27th August, we had an excellent congregation and celebrated the church’s dedication to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Rev’d Dr Victor Barley, who suggested many years ago that we should have an annual Patronal service, preached on the Virgin Mary’s vital role as the mother of our Lord, on her acceptance and her obedience to what she was called by God to do. It was a celebration much appreciated by those who attended.
On Saturday, 16th September, the Rev’d Dr Ian Mills, Rector of the Benefice of Chew Valley West, and our Area Dean, gave an Organ Recital in Stowey Church, which was enjoyed by about 60 people, including more than 7 other organists! Ian produced a wonderful and varied Programme, ranging chronologically from Pachelbel (1653 to 1706) to Thalben-Ball (1896 to 1987), and taking in Bach, Elgar, Stanford and other important composers in between. He explained the way in which keyboard music developed in the 17th and 18th centuries and gave us a demonstration of the huge versatility and range of sounds that our lovely little 1870 Bryceson organ can produce. Ian is an extremely accomplished musician; he has a Doctorate in Music, with his Thesis being on the organ works of J.S. Bach and, before taking Holy Orders, he was Organist and Master of the Choristers at Derry Cathedral.
We are extremely grateful to Ian for sharing his time and talents with us. After the Recital, Ian was presented with some Guinness……said to be his favourite drink……and a bottle of excellent champagne…..which to my mind might be more palatable! The evening ended with delicious drinks and canapés which were enjoyed by everyone.
Our Retiring Collection raised the magnificent sum of £503.45 for Church funds. We are very grateful and give thanks to all those who provided the canapés and who helped in any way to make the evening such a success. And many thanks to those who supported this superb and memorable event.
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden