Our Evensong for All Souls was very well attended and was a meaningful and moving service. We welcomed Mrs Mary Dolman, the Bath Archdeaconry Warden of Lay Readers and Dr Andrew Day played the organ. The names of those we have loved who have died were read out and it was a fitting service to remember our relatives and friends who remain close to our hearts, but who are no longer with us.
So now, on to December! Where has the year gone? Our traditional Service of Nine Lessons and Carols will take place on Friday 23rd December at 6:30 pm. The Rev’d Canon Tony Wilds will lead the service, with Andrew Day playing for us again. Mulled wine and Christmas nibbles will be served in church after the service. All are very welcome to this start to the Christmas celebrations, as you are to all our services.
On Christmas morning at 9 am, Rev’d Trevor Stubbs will celebrate Holy Communion. John Spencer will be playing the organ for us as usual on this special day. On New Year’s Day, we welcome back Tony Wilds who will celebrate Holy Communion at 10:30 am, and Jean, our organist, will be back with us playing the organ. This will be a joint service with the United Parish, as well as with Holy Trinity. Everyone is welcome.
We are grateful to our various musicians who support services by their wonderful playing of the organ. We are particularly grateful to Jean Routley, a loyal, able and committed organist and friend. We also thank the various priests and lay readers who are helping us by taking services throughout what is likely to be an extended period without a priest in place, now Mark Cregan has retired. And thank you to all of you who support Stowey Church in so many ways, by attending services, by helping with cleaning and flowers, cutting the grass, supporting the Church financially, taking on positions of responsibility on our various committees and functions, supporting events and so on. Thank you; without you, there would be no church in Stowey.
With very Best wishes for a happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy 2023.
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden