On Sunday 6th February our bells were rung for a Quarter Peal to commemorate and celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of the Accession to the Throne on 6th February 1952 of our Queen, Elizabeth 11. It was a brilliantly executed Quarter and I hope that some of you heard it! This was followed by Evensong, when we reflected upon the dedication and service given unstintingly by the Queen over the past 7 decades. Long may she continue to reign over us!
We’re grateful to our dedicated local ringers who are drawn from various villages around. If you would be interested in finding out about bellringing, please contact me in the first instance and I’ll put you in touch with the relevant person. We have a ring of 6 bells, 5 of which are Bilbie bells, cast in the C18th at the Foundry in Chew Stoke. The treble dates from 1991. Ringing requires considerable skill, but, once learned, can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby, as well as providing opportunities to socialise with other ringers.
The beginning of March sees the start of Lent, when some of us decide to give up cake or chocolate or alcohol or some other food or drink for the duration. I confess I won’t be one of them, but I admire the commitment and self-discipline of those who do so!
Lent leads us inevitably to Easter. This year we hope to reintroduce our usual Service of Meditation at 9am on Good Friday. And we will have a service of Holy Communion at 6.30pm on Easter Day. Despite the continuing presence of Covid, on Easter Day, we’re planning to invite the congregation to take Communion again for the first time in over 2 years. More details next time!
Finally, reverting to the Platinum Jubilee, we’re organising a special service of Choral Evensong on Sunday 5th June. The Choir of the United Parish will be with us; Canon John Simpson will give the Address; and we’ll be serving drinks and canapés in the churchyard afterwards. It’s a service not to be missed…make a note in your diary now!!
Jill Nicol, Churcwarden