Our Church Council has reluctantly, but unanimously, decided that live services should be suspended for the time being in view of the current serious Covid-19 situation. Our primary aim is to keep our congregation as safe and supported as possible through the pandemic. As the Church is so small, options for required social distancing can be tricky sometimes.
In place of live services, we are holding two services a month by that wonderful mechanism Zoom! Zoom is both loved and disliked, but it’s a means to an end and an excellent tool to achieve togetherness. The services will be the usual Book of Common Prayer Evensong, with different readers participating; and Jean, our wonderful organist, will play a hymn or two and a closing Voluntary on her own organ at her home. A few of us, including Jean and the organ, have had a successful practice run already. Our first such service is planned for the end of January, with the February services being held on Sunday 7th and Sunday 28th February, but at a changed time of 4.30pm.
You will need to contact me by email if you want to join us. You’ll be very welcome. My address is jill.broadhead@cpsoutlook.co.uk
I will send you the whole service booklet for that day and give your address to Sue Skinner, our Church Council Secretary, who will “host” the Zoom event and Sue will send the Zoom link to you. You do not need to download the Zoom App, but simply click on the link at the relevant time to join the service.
On Sunday 7th February, Rev’d Charles Roberts will take the service as Mark is on holiday. Charles has recently retired as Rector of Chew Magna and we are delighted to welcome him back for this service. The other services will be taken by Mark as usual.
The situation will be kept under close review and we are really hoping to be able to restart our popular live services by Palm Sunday, at the end of March. Remember, you can keep up-to-date with what is happening by looking at our website, stoweychurch.com
Until next time!
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden