On Sunday, 4th October, we celebrated Harvest Festival, but it was unusual and memorable in several ways. There were no flowers, no vegetables, no fruit and no Harvest Loaf. And I managed to fuse most of the internal and external lights, due to rainwater having penetrated the outside lights. Fortunately, we did have some lights at each end of the Church and we had power and lighting to the organ. With the aid of candles and Christmas lights, we achieved a very atmospheric ambience for a memorable Harvest celebration with some wonderful music. It was certainly different to previous years! And we were able to give thanks for the miracle of harvest, for our natural world and for the efforts of everyone involved in producing our food. In addition, our collection that evening of £240 was given to Keynsham Foodbank, from whom a letter of thanks has been received.
All Souls Evensong, when we remember those we have loved who have died, will be held on 1st November at 6.30pm. This is always a meaningful service. Sadly, Canon John Simpson isn’t able to attend, due to the current situation, but Mark will take the service. We intend to include the reading of the names of those we wish to remember and for one person to light a large candle on behalf of us all.
I’m sorry to report that we’ll be unable to hold our Christingle and Carol services this year. But will have a service at 9am on Christmas morning. We’re sad that these special services can’t take place, but look forward to the time when they can be resumed.
Should you wish to join us for any of our services, we would be very pleased to welcome you, but as our capacity is greatly reduced please contact me in advance to ensure that you can be allocated a seat. My contact details are at the back of this magazine and on our website, stoweychurch.com
Until next time!
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden