Our usual pattern of Evensong continues, with services held on the 1st and 4th Sundays of the month. No singing is allowed of course, but Jean plays the organ. Jean is a very accomplished organist and it is always a pleasure to hear her play and her contribution adds greatly to our services.
On Sunday, 4th October, we shall be celebrating Harvest Festival, but due to the logistical problems caused by the current regulations, we will not be decorating the church with flowers and produce on this occasion. We will however be giving thanks for the miracle of harvest, for our natural world and for the efforts of everyone involved in producing our food.
All Souls Evensong, when we remember those we have loved who have died, will be held on 1st November. This is always a meaningful service. We’re hoping to welcome our old friend, Canon John Simpson, who will give the Address. In the past we have had the opportunity to light candles in memory of those no longer with us, but this will not be possible this year under the current rules. However, we intend to include the reading of the names of those we wish to remember and for one person to light candles on behalf of us all.
Should you wish to join us for any of our services, we would be very pleased to welcome you, but as our capacity is greatly reduced please contact me in advance to ensure that you can be allocated a seat.
We have a new website which you may wish to look at. It’s been rebuilt and updated, which will make it easier to maintain. Matt Small, the grandson of the late Joyce Small, carried out this mammoth task as a gift to the memory of his grandmother who is buried at Stowey. The website can be found at stoweychurch.com
In spite of our current problems, this year seems to be passing quicker than ever and we hope and pray that everyone will obey the rules, that a vaccine is developed and that we can all return to a more normal and safer way of life sooner rather than later.