We are delighted that we’ve managed to start holding services in Stowey Church once again, having completed risk assessments, mitigation and management plans, Covid-19 data protection documentation and ensuring we adhere to all the ongoing regulations. Grateful thanks go to Neil and Sue Skinner for their crucially important help on all of this.
We celebrated our first Evensong on Sunday 26th July, after more than 4 months without services in Church. Our good friend Rev’d Dr Victor Barley took the service with Jean at the organ. Of course, we aren’t allowed to sing at present, but it was lovely to hear Jean playing the music. Our second service was taken by Mrs Sandra Edgerton and Jean again played the organ. Both services were very well attended and much valued and enjoyed and everyone felt safe, being well spaced out. We’re very grateful to Sandra and Victor for helping out in the Rector’s absence on holiday.
We are maintaining our usual pattern for Evensongs, which take place on the 1st and 4th Sundays of the month at 6:30 pm. This month, the dates are 6th and 27th September. If you would like to attend any of our services, you would be very welcome, but please contact me in advance to ensure that you can be allocated a seat. Our capacity is greatly reduced due to the ongoing Covid restrictions. My contact details are on the contents page.
Finally, Graham wishes to thank all those who have purchased his sweet peas, which have been outside our house. Plenty more are available! All proceeds go into church funds.
More news next time!
Jill Nicol, Churchwarden