Dear Friends,

The Feast of Candlemas recalls the words of Simeon in this week’s Gospel who, as a devout Jew in his old age, recognises the infant Jesus as Israel’s Saviour and the one who would ‘enlighten the Gentiles’. It recalls events 40 days after the birth of Jesus when his parents presented their son to God in the temple, as was Jewish custom. For us, Candlemas is a turning point in the church year—it completes the Christmas and Epiphany season in which God’s love is revealed to us in the the birth of Jesus; but Candlemas also looks ahead to the suffering which Jesus will endure in order to bring about that Salvation.

The Salvation which Jesus will bring is foretold by the prophet Malachi. It isn’t comfortable reading (even if you manage to read it without hearing the alto soloist from Handel’s Messiah). Malachi speaks of a refinement and purification which will burn away sin, leaving a people who are pure and righteous.

There is comfort and hope in this week’s passage from the letter to the Hebrews: Jesus, by becoming fully human and experiencing death on the cross, has conquered the power of death held by the devil, thereby freeing us from the fear of death and giving this Salvation to those who believe in him.

Our Christian lives should be lived at this midpoint between the manger and the Cross. The challenge for us is to be able to present ourselves to God—in the words of this week’s collect—with ‘pure and clean hearts’ in response to the grace that he has given us in sending Jesus to die for our sins.

Yours in Christ,


Worship this Sunday

Sunday 2nd February 2025

The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)

WINFORD St Mary & St Peter

9.00am Eucharist


10.30am Eucharist

STOWEY St Nicholas & St Mary

6.30pm Choral Evensong

Next Sunday: Sunday 9th February 2025

The Fourth Sunday before Lent

8.30am Holy Communion (Stowey); 9.30am Eucharist (Nempnett Thrubwell);

10.30am Morning Worship (Bishop Sutton); 11.00am Eucharist (Felton)

Readings & Collect

Malachi 3: 1-5

Hebrews 2: 14-end

Luke 2: 22-40

Almighty and ever-living God,

clothed in majesty,

whose beloved Son was this day presented in the Temple,

in substance of our flesh:

grant that we may be presented to you

with pure and clean hearts,

by your Son Jesus Christ our Lord,

who is alive and reigns with you,

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

For your prayers

Recalling how the infant Jesus was brought to the Temple to be presented to God, we pray for all who share responsibility to minister to children in our parishes … for Open the Book and Explore the Book teams … for our schools, especially headteachers Nik, Ben, Gareth and Tim … for our choristers in Mini Melodies and Jubilee … our Sparklers families … for those preparing for baptism, especially Barney, Sophie, Jake, Mila and Margot;

… for the CHURCH and all who faithfully serve Christ today … for Bishop Michael, our clergy and readers … for our churchwardens, secretaries, treasurers, PCC members, organists, bell-ringers, flower-arrangers, cleaners and all who give their time in the service of these parishes;

…for those in SPECIAL NEED, especially those suffering the distress of illness and bereavement … for all those who have lost their lives in the air accident in Washington DC; for their loved ones and rescue workers … for those known to us in need of healing and encouragement;

… for THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED  … that perpetual light may shine upon them … grant us with them and with all the saints  a share in your eternal Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Revd Dr Ian Mills, Rector & Area Dean

The Rectory

4 Parsonage Lane


BS40 8DG

Telephone: (01275) 474504

Revd Fran Smettem, Curate

Telephone: (01934) 340682