Dear Friends,

One of the many privileges of ministering here in the Chew Valley is being able to attend our Schools and, in turn, welcome children and staff from our schools into their village churches. Recently, children from Winford and Chew Stoke Church Schools attended their parish churches to thank God for the gifts of Harvest and to leave Foodbank donations to be distributed to those in need.

We have been praying for Mr Tim Eustace as he begins his new position as Principal of Bishop Sutton and Stanton Drew Primary Schools and look forward to support him in this role.

In my time here I have been asked lots of questions by our youngest children. One of my favourites followed an explanation of what the Font is, and how we use it to hold water for Holy Baptism. A young boy raised his hand and asked, ‘does it have a plughole?’. Good question (it does!).

Recently I was asked by a five-year-old whether we should pray to God, or Jesus, or both. That’s the sort of deep question that really stops me in my tracks.

In one of his most profound teaching, Jesus told us that we have no hope of receiving the gift of the Kingdom of God unless we do so like a child (Mark 10:15). What could he mean? Jesus loved children and held them in his arms as examples of humility, love, simple obedience and trust. These are the qualities that Jesus wants to see in those who follow him—young and old.

It also means we shouldn’t be afraid to ask lots of good questions about our faith. If you’re stuck, ask a child for suggestions!

Yours in Christ,

Rev’d Dr Ian Mills


 Our Benefice Contemplative Prayer Group meets on the first Monday of each month between 10.30am and 11.30am in St Andrew’s Church, Chew Stoke, led by Rev Dr Victor Barley.

 Community Choir

 The next Community Choir session will be held on Wednesday 13th November at 7.00pm in St Mary & St Peter’s, Winford.

 Midweek Holy Communion

Holy Communion with intercessions for Healing is celebrated in our group of parishes on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 10.30am.

Wednesday 6th November 2024

St Katharine’s, Felton at 10.30am

 Wednesday 20th November 2024

St Andrew’s, Chew Stoke at 10.30am

‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.’

 (Matthew 11:18)

Mini Melodies & Jubilee Children’s Choirs

Our young singers from Mini Melodies and Jubilee Children’s Choirs have commenced rehearsals and it has been wonderfully encouraging to welcome new members.

Is your child aged 7–11? Do they enjoy singing? Could they benefit from the many rewards of singing in a choir and learning the basics of music and rhythm?

If so, we would love to hear from you. Rehearsals are held in Chew Stoke Church School on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school term. Please contact the Rector or Carole Hope for more information:

Mind & Spirit

The next meeting of Mind & Spirit will be held at 10.30am on Wednesday 27th November in Felton Village Hall. These sessions are intended to support those living with conditions affecting the memory and those who care for them through conversation, Bible study and prayer. For more information, please contact Revd Fran:


 Revd Dr Ian Mills, Rector & Area Dean

The Rectory

4 Parsonage Lane


BS40 8DG

(01275) 474504

Revd Fran Smettem, Curate

 (01934) 340682